01255 814899 / 07788 720816 karldixon06@gmail.com

To maintain a succesful reclamation yard you need a constant supply of products. A&D Reclaim are always on the hunt for new stock so please get in touch if you’re looking to part with any of these items and want to find them a new home.


UPVC Doors & Windows

Garden Ornaments/Pots         

Reclaimed Roof Tiles         

Antique Furniture           


Paving Slabs       

Fireplaces & Accessories         

Scaffold Boards         

Railway Sleepers         

Crazy Paving         

Decking Boards         

Chimney Pots                 

Tower Scaffolds         

Butler Sinks       

Gates & Railings         

Drainage Items

Manhole Covers     

Architectural Salvage       



And More..

If you have any of these above items or anything else that you think would be suitable then please get in touch and we can go from there. Can collect locally or you’re welcome to drop your bits off. Contact us for more details. You can refer to the pictures below on what exactly we’re after and how you can get in touch with us. Thanks.


 1. Take some photos.                                                                           2. Email them to us along with sizes, condition                      3. We’ll review them and get back in touch.

                                                                                                                  description, and location.